WriteMyEssay4Me.org review

WriteMyEssay4Me Review
Quality papers written by only native English writers, unlimited free revisions and plagiarism free papers are just a few of the numerous promises of a company named writemyessay4me.org. At first glance, the official website of the company looks trendy and easy to navigate, except for few mistakes in terms of content we noticed on the homepage. However, being a company that evaluates writing services, we immediately noticed the similarity between this website and the one of pro-essay-writer.com. Our guess is that both these websites belong to the same company.
Services Overview
As is the case with the other website, Writemyessay4me.org also does not have a Services page or a list of services anywhere on the website. The only way to check if your paper is something the company provides is by checking the dropdown list in the ordering section.
According to this list, the company delivers the following services: essay, coursework, research paper, term paper, book report, movie review and case study. This is a fairly limited list of services since it includes only a few of the most commonly requested papers. In addition, it is the same as the one of pro-essay-writer.com, which only confirms our theory of the same provider selling papers through two separate websites.
Prices start from $12 for a paper with a deadline of 10+ days for high school level and range up to $50 for PhD papers with a deadline of 12 hours. However, the fact that the quote of a paper depends on the urgency, academic level and a number of pages only, we are seriously concerned about the quality of papers this company provides. The difference between simpler papers such as essays and more complex ones such as research papers demands for more time and expertise.
Discounts and Special Offers
As for discounts, the official website of WriteMyEssay4Me does not include mention of any kind of price reduction. So, if you decide to order your papers from the service, you should not expect first-order discount or lifelong discounts based on accumulated pages.
There is a discount code field in the ordering section, so we are guessing that the company sometimes provides a special offer. However, at this time, there is nothing of this kind on the website.
Since the similarity between this website and that of pro-essay-writer.com is very clear, our conclusion here is also the same. Both these companies do not offer a wide range of services, nor any discounts or special offers. Even though the pricing is affordable, this is not a service we would recommend.